ADTF  3.18.4

In general, ADTF is a toolset with a open programming interface to enrich the functionality of the ADTF Launcher.

ADTF Tool Set

There are 3 main components:

ADTF Control

The ADTF Control is used to manage an ADTF Launcher as well as provide access to the tools used to create and edit definition for Filter Graph and Streaming Graph (e.g. through ADTF Configuration Editor). An ADTF Control is a separate process apart from an ADTF System where both components communicate with each other using a RPC-Protocol (Remote Procedure Call).

A concrete implementation is delivered via ADTF Control.

ADTF Launcher

An ADTF System resembles the execution environment of a concrete Session. So to say, an ADTF System is where your own functionality is instantiated, connected and fed with data. The ADTF System instantiates an RPC Server, that accepts RPC requests controlling the states and properties of the system. For the definition of the ADTF System see System Definition.

A concrete implementation is delivered via ADTF Launcher.

ADTF Configuration Editor

The Configuration Editor (CE) is used to create and edit Streaming Graph. It is also responsible for generating a system defintion as a Session in which the deployment description including necessary plugins is defined.

A concrete implementation is delivered via ADTF Configuration Editor.

Additional Tools

The other Tools are for your convenience.

Please have a look at Tools and Applications.