ADTF  3.18.4
ADTF 3.14.1 Release Notes

ADTF 3.14.1 Summary

Bugfixes within ADTF Configuration Editor

After the rework of the Property Editor, the macro button has been missing to handle resolving in filenames and paths - this has been readded. Furthermore, there has been an error by checking interface connections which has been corrected. Finally, we adjust the font and size in some string based property values which had not followed a correct resolution.

Bugfixes within SDK and examples

Creating UI filters will fail since 3.14.0 - except you are requesting adtfstreamg3 package before the ui dependency. We correct this missing dependency and adapt our example to handle this (again), even for other cosmetic changes. We can guarantee now, that all examples can be build for all build types (but we still recommend to use only RelWithDebInfo for optimzed builds) without any additional effort - as it should be.

Update layout handling

Since Qt 5.15 there is an unresolved bug which takes effect when adding at least one native widget. With the displays within ADTF we are not facing any trouble, but with the Display Toolbox (2D and 3D Display which are native) will result in an unusable layout. Fortunately, the used Advanced Docking System for Qt change the layout handling in a newer version, which makes ADTF get rid of this problem - without new compiling or linking native widgets !

Memory leak during recording

Each trigger creates a new index table entry within the ifhd file writer. Due that the index table will be written at the file close, this can consume a huge amount of memory until finalizing recording. We patch this in the ADTF File Library and exchange the dependency to fix this behaviour.

Additional changes

There are some basic extensions which are very helpful for your daily work:

  • Get initial streamtype for FEP Sender before first trigger has been transmitted
  • FEP participant runtime object is not destroyed correctly

Updated dependencies

Here is a list what has been updated (see also Used Open Source Software):

  • ADTF File Library (IFHD) 0.9.2
  • Qt Advanced Docking System 3.8.2

ADTF 3.14.1 Changelog

| ADTF - Changelog |
| Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
| |
| This file tracks the changes and bugfixes within ADTF 3.x |
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| Version: |
| ADTF 3.14.1 osborn |
* [ACORE-11479] - Upgrade to Qt Advanced Docking System 3.8.2
* [ACORE-11485] - Upgrade to ADTF File Library 0.9.2
* [ACORE-11468] - Interface inport can't be connected to subgraph interface inport
* [ACORE-11472] - Missing dependencies in adtfui package
* [ACORE-11473] - Get initial streamtype for FEP Sender before first trigger has been transmitted
* [ACORE-11474] - Incorrect dependencies in certain examples
* [ACORE-11478] - XSystem layout breaks on adding first native widget due to QTBUG-85990
* [ACORE-11482] - Missing macro button in Property Editor for cFilename, cFilenpath and tFilename
* [ACORE-11483] - Text values uses different font size
* [ACORE-11491] - Memory Leak during recording
* [ACORE-11493] - FEP participant runtime object is not destroyed correctly