ADTF  3.18.4
ADTF 3.16.0 Release Notes

ADTF 3.16.0 Summary

Inject the filter initialization

To access the filter state machine from outside (e.g. to access properties before a filter is constructed), we had to create intermediate runlevels we call microrunlevels (adtf::base::quiet::IADTFRuntime::tADTFMicroRunLevel). Please have a look at Session Initialization how they are integrated and mapped. Keep in mind that the normal runlevels (adtf::base::ant::tADTFRunLevel) still are available and usable, if you have to jump in between, the API and tools (e.g. ADTF Control) assist you here.

Handle report, playback and recording control

You already know the createreport option within ADTF Control? Then you will love that we have integrated in the Qt5 ADTF XSystem UI Service. Furthermore, we add more information about the current played back file and UI handling for split, markers and description during recording.

Peformant interprocess communication

Everybody is talking about zero-copy solutions for data processing and how to integrate them to avoid unnecessary data copies. Between ADTF and FEP and vice versa we are achieving this - 100 percent - and guarantee within the related FEP streaming sources and sinks.

Qt5 Substream Display (BETA)

We love to present you a stable version of the Qt5 Substream Display (BETA) but there is still a lot of work to do regarding performance, functionality, stability and usage. This display is planned to be your all-in-one solution for visualization during runtime - on demand or fixed - and will make a lot of views legacy. But to achieve this, we still have some work todo. Not only missing functionality as a successor for the scope view (DDL Line Graph) or a continuous log sample data (DDL Trace View), the interaction between the widgets must be evaluated with a deep dive into architecture. Now we have more a picture what is possible and needed by our users (thanks for the feedback of current usage!).

For this release, we "only" add support for arrays, adtf::streaming::penguin::stream_type_string<std::string> besides some runtime improvements. Stay tuned for upcoming!

As always, we appreciate your feedback, especially for the usage of this new display solution!

Additional changes

There are some basic extensions which are very helpful for your daily work:

ADTF 3.16.0 Changelog

| ADTF - Changelog |
| Automotive Data and Time-Triggered Framework |
| |
| This file tracks the changes and bugfixes within ADTF 3.x |
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| Version: |
| ADTF 3.16.0 quiet |
- [#1252] Integrate report option in XSystem
- [#1707] Extend RPC of Session to get information about current StreamTypes on StreamTypeObjects
- [#1997] Zero copy from FEP to ADTF and vice versa
- [#2158] Extend player control bar about current played back file(s)
- [#2205] Switch parallel fuzzy search to Qt Concurrent
- [#2228] Create a concept/PoC/MVP to plot ddl data over time on demand
- [#2284] Add visual feedback for current playback / record files
- [#2331] Create a concept for sending split/desccription/marker event within XSystem
- [#2332] Extend XSystem to add and view markers
- [#2333] Extend XSystem to set description for adtfdat file
- [#2334] Extend XSystem to split recordings
- [#2335] Move report option of ADTF Control to a common base
- [#2349] adtf core functionality to serialize and deserialize a StreamType
- [#2395] Signalize finished operation with short popup message in substream display
- [#2400] Improve array support in SubstreamDisplay
- [#2403] Support stream_type_string<std::string> within SubStream Display
- [#2423] Introduce micro runlevels as intermediate runlevels for filter initialization
- [#2427] Add function to check if a active runner is connected
- [#2429] Evaluating QtCharts in QML for Substream Display Filter
- [#2435] As a user I want to store the resolved content of environment variables using attached files
- [#2440] Accelerate search function in qtvisualization or offer seaching on-demand
- [#2468] Use file dialog for Substream Display file properties
- [#2485] Provide option to configure specific adtf_file::Reader within Playback Service and switch to ifhd 0.10
- [#2489] Extend ADTF Control commands to dump StreamType Information
- [#2492] User can append signal name path in Show-in-new-display dialog
- [#2504] Filter statemachine should be available outside of sessionmanager
- [#2509] Implement operator to check IStreamType objects for equality
- [#2532] Add helper functionality to traverse DDL codec and datamodel simultaneously
- [#2535] Support for static stream_type_array and consolidate API for stream types
- [#2537] Create plain streamtype in javascript
- [#2592] Extend object<> template to inherit constructors from first base
- [#2642] Repair documentation in Overview for reading and writing samples for std::wstring and std::u16string
- [#2643] Clarify usage for deprecated and ADTF3_DEPRECATED
- [#1691] FEP Participant is not unregisterd from Registry
- [#2401] Missing check and documentation regarding usage of --session and --system in combination
- [#2430] FEP Substream Source does not handle substream unrequesting correctly
- [#2458] Error in kernel Thread when using Qt5 2D OpenGL Display
- [#2477] Substream Display crashes when Launcher Player starts second loop and a show-in-new-display dialog is open
- [#2687] Update to adtf file library / ifhd 0.10.1 to handle correct reader usage