ADTF  3.18.4
adtf::base::ant Namespace Reference

Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Base SDK provided since v3.0. More...


 Namespace for all internally used functionality implemented.


struct  adtf_version_default
 Static Version type for the ADTF Versions. More...
struct  adtf_version_customer
 Static Version type for the ADTF Versions which is enriched with a customer version. More...
struct  property_attached_configuration_type
struct  property_type_definition< property_attached_configuration_type >
class  IMemberPropertyUnregister
class  cPropertyVariable
 Default implemementation of a property_variable. More...
class  property_variable
 Property Variable template for the given T. More...
class  configuration
 Implementation helper template to enriches an implementation with the default implementation of IConfiguration. More...
class  IConfiguration
 ucom Interface to a objects configuration. More...
class  hash_value_map
 implementation of the IHashValueMap. More...
class  IHashValueMapValue
 Value Interface for the IHashedValueMap. More...
class  IHashValueMap
 The hashed vlaue table store interface to set and retrieve values via a hash key. More...
class  cADTFMacroResolver
class  cPropertiesBase
 Base class for basic implementation of a IProperties interface. More...
class  cProperties
 Property Store as IObject. More...
class  cPropertiesHelper
 Helper to create a copy. More...
class  property_value
class  cPropertyBase
struct  std_string_helper
class  property
 Property property implementation template. More...
class  IRawValue
 The IRawValue interface provides methods for getting and setting raw values. More...
class  IPropertyValue
 The IPropertyValue interface provides methods for getting and setting property values. More...
class  IProperty
 The IProperty interface provides methods for getting and setting property values, name of the property and its subproperties. More...
class  IPropertyObserver
 Observer Interface to react on property changes. More...
class  IProperties
 Defintion of a property set container interface. More...
struct  property_type_definition
 Concept template to define the Name and the conversion type for the given type TYPE. More...
struct  property_type_definition< bool >
 property_type_definition specialization for bool. More...
struct  property_type_definition< int64_t >
 property_type_definition specialization for uint64_t. More...
struct  property_type_definition< uint64_t >
 property_type_definition specialization for uint64_t. More...
struct  property_type_definition< uint32_t >
 property_type_definition specialization for uint32_t. More...
struct  property_type_definition< int32_t >
 property_type_definition specialization for int32_t. More...
struct  property_type_definition< uint16_t >
 property_type_definition specialization for uint16_t. More...
struct  property_type_definition< int16_t >
 property_type_definition specialization for int16_t. More...
struct  property_type_definition< uint8_t >
 property_type_definition specialization for uint8_t. More...
struct  property_type_definition< int8_t >
 property_type_definition specialization for int8_t. More...
struct  property_type_definition< float >
 property_type_definition specialization for float. More...
struct  property_type_definition< double >
 property_type_definition specialization for double. More...
struct  property_type_definition< adtf::util::cString >
 Example: property_type_definition specialization for adtf::util::cString. More...
struct  property_type_definition< adtf::util::cFilename >
 property_type_definition specialization for external type adtf_util::cFilename More...
struct  property_type_definition< adtf::util::cFilenameList >
 property_type_definition specialization for external type adtf_util::cFilenameList More...
struct  property_type_definition< adtf::util::cFilepath >
 property_type_definition specialization for external type adtf_util::cFilepath More...
struct  property_type_definition< adtf::util::cFilepathList >
 property_type_definition specialization for external type adtf_util::cFilepathList More...
struct  property_type_definition< elasto::tree_node_property_type >
struct  property_type_definition< flash::tNanoSeconds >
struct  property_type_definition< std::string >
struct  property_type_conversion
 Concept template to define the conversion type for the given type TYPE of a property. More...
struct  cPropertyConvert
 Adtf build in conversion type implementation used by property_type_default_conversion. More...
struct  property_type_default_conversion
 Default conversion type used for all build in property types of adtf. More...
struct  cPropertyStringConversion
 Conversion type used for property<cString> More...
struct  cFilenameConversion
 Conversion type used for adtf::base::ant::property<cFilename> and adtf::base::ant::property<cFilepath>. More...
struct  cFilenameListConversion
 Conversion type used for adtf::base::ant::property<cFilenameList> and adtf::base::ant::property<cFilepathList>. More...
struct  property_type_conversion_nothing
 Empty conversion type. More...
class  IRawMemory
 The IRawMemory interface provides methods for getting and setting memory values through abstract interfaces. More...
struct  adtf_memory_forward
 Concept template class for non trivial penguin::adtf_memory types of type T to specialize the usage of adtf_memory<T> (see Supported types for adtf_memory<T> for writing and reading Samples). More...
class  adtf_memory
 Legacy template class for adtf_memory usage. More...
class  adtf_memory_buffer
class  adtf_memory_buffer< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_const< T >::value >::type >
struct  adtf_memory_forward< adtf_util::cMemoryBlock >
 specialization for adtf_util::cMemoryBlock More...
struct  adtf_memory_forward< adtf_util::cMemoryPtr >
 specialization for adtf_util::cMemoryPtr More...
struct  adtf_memory_forward< const void >
 specialization for a non resizable const void raw memory pointer (only reading access) Any Assign call will fail! More...
struct  adtf_memory_forward< void >
 specialization for a non resizable void raw memory pointer (reading/writing access) More...
struct  adtf_memory_forward< const std::string >
 specialization for a non resizable const std::string (only reading access) Any Assign call will fail! More...
struct  adtf_memory_forward< const std::u16string >
 specialization for a non resizable const std::u16string (only reading access) Any Assign call will fail! More...
struct  adtf_memory_forward< std::string >
 specialization for a resizable std::string (reading/writing access) More...
struct  adtf_memory_forward< std::u16string >
 specialization for a resizable std::u16string (reading/writing access) More...
struct  adtf_memory_forward< std::vector< Args... > >
 specialization for a resizable std::vector (reading/writing access) More...
struct  adtf_memory_forward< const std::vector< Args... > >
 specialization for a non resizable const std::vector (only reading access) Any Assign call will fail! More...
class  cRunnable
 Empty Runnable helper implementation. More...
class  runnable
 Runnable helper implementaton template. More...
class  IRunnable
 The Runnable interface defines common methods for a running component. More...
class  IString
 The IString interface provides methods for getting and setting strings through abstract interfaces. More...
struct  adtf_string_forward
 Implementation concept template for user defined adtf_string type support (see Supported types for adtf_string<T> for writing and reading strings via interface IString). More...
struct  adtf_string_forward< std::string >
 Specialization for std::string class. More...
struct  adtf_string_forward< adtf::util::cString >
 Specialization for adtf::util::cString class. More...
struct  adtf_string_forward< adtf::util::cFilename >
 Specialization for adtf::util::cFilename class. More...
struct  adtf_string_forward< const char >
 Specialisation for const char pointer. More...
class  adtf_string
 Wrapping template for a rvalue reference of an IString interface for the type T (see Supported types for adtf_string<T> for writing and reading strings via interface IString). More...
struct  adtf_memory_forward< const ::adtf::streaming::ant::ISampleBuffer >
 specialization for a ISampleBuffer (reading/writing access) More...
struct  adtf_string< QString >


enum  tADTFRunLevel : int8_t {
  RL_Shutdown = ucom::ant::IRuntime::RL_Shutdown , RL_System = 1 , RL_Session = 2 , RL_StreamingGraph = 3 ,
  RL_FilterGraph = 4 , RL_Running = 5 , RL_Max = RL_Running , RL_Internal = ucom::ant::IRuntime::RL_Internal
 The ADTF Runtime Level State are used to define a ADTF Runtime specialization for a adtf::ucom::ant::runtime. More...


template<typename VALUETYPE >
VALUETYPE get_property (const IConfiguration &oConfiguration, const char *strNameOfValue, VALUETYPE oDefaultValue)
 Get the property content converted to the VALUETYPE. More...
template<typename VALUETYPE >
VALUETYPE get_property (const IConfiguration &oConfiguration, const char *strNameOfValue)
 Get the property converted to the VALUETYPE. More...
template<typename VALUETYPE >
tResult set_property (IConfiguration &oConfiguration, const char *strNameOfValue, VALUETYPE oValue)
 Set the property. More...
tResult set_property (IConfiguration &oConfiguration, const char *strNameOfValue, const char *poValue)
 Set the property of type string for a const char* parameter poValue. More...
adtf::util::cVariant get_hash_value (const IHashValueMap &oMap, const IHashValueMap::tHashKey &oHash, const adtf::util::cVariant oDefault)
 Retrieves a variant value for the hash key oHash out of the hashed value map oMap. More...
tResult set_hash_value (IHashValueMap &oMap, const IHashValueMap::tHashKey &oHash, const adtf::util::cVariant oValue)
 Sets a variant value for the hash key oHash into the hashed value map oMap. More...
IHashValueMap::tHashKey create_hash_value_key (const char *strToHash)
 Generation of unambigious hash key for a string. More...
template<typename VALUETYPE >
tResult set_property (IProperties &oProperties, const char *strNameOfValue, VALUETYPE oValue)
 Sets a property of the value type VALUETYPE to a IProperties implementation. More...
tResult set_property (IProperties &oProperties, const char *strNameOfValue, const char *poValue)
 Sets a property of the value type const char* to a IProperties implementation. More...
template<typename T >
get_property (const IProperties &oProperties, const char *strNameOfValue, const T &oDefaultValue)
 Gets a property value of the value type VALUETYPE from a IProperties implementation. More...
template<typename VALUETYPE >
VALUETYPE get_property (const IProperties &oProperties, const char *strNameOfValue)
 Gets a property value of the value type VALUETYPE from a IProperties implementation. More...
bool operator== (const IProperty &oPropertyLeft, const IProperty &oPropertyRight)
 The equality operator returns true only if the given oPropertyLeft is the same as oPropertyRight. More...
bool operator!= (const IProperty &oPropertyLeft, const IProperty &oPropertyRight)
 The not-equality operator returns false only if the given oPropertyLeft is exact the same as oPropertyRight. More...
bool operator== (const IProperties &oPropertiesLeft, const IProperties &oPropertiesRight)
 The equality operator returns true only if the given oPropertiesLeft has the same properties and property values as oPropertiesRight. More...
bool operator!= (const IProperties &oPropertiesLeft, const IProperties &oPropertiesRight)
 The not-equality operator returns false only if the given oPropertiesLeft has the same properties and property values as oPropertiesRight. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Base SDK provided since v3.0.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ tADTFRunLevel

enum tADTFRunLevel : int8_t

The ADTF Runtime Level State are used to define a ADTF Runtime specialization for a adtf::ucom::ant::runtime.

See System Definition to understand runlevels of ADTF.


The system is shut down.


The system level.


The session level.


The Streaminggraph level.


The Filtergraph level.


The Running level.


maximum level that can be reached


internal runlevel Is not for users !

Definition at line 23 of file adtf_runtime.h.

Function Documentation

◆ create_hash_value_key()

IHashValueMap::tHashKey adtf::base::ant::create_hash_value_key ( const char *  strToHash)

Generation of unambigious hash key for a string.

This generation is independent to process and platform.

[in]strToHashnull terminated string to generate a hash key for.
Hash key for strToHash.

◆ get_hash_value()

adtf::util::cVariant adtf::base::ant::get_hash_value ( const IHashValueMap oMap,
const IHashValueMap::tHashKey oHash,
const adtf::util::cVariant  oDefault 

Retrieves a variant value for the hash key oHash out of the hashed value map oMap.

If the value does not exists the oDefault is returned.

[in]oMapThe map to retrieve the value from.
[in]oHashThe hash key of the value.
[in]oDefaultdefault value if value does not exist.
retrieved value.

◆ get_property() [1/4]

VALUETYPE adtf::base::ant::get_property ( const IConfiguration oConfiguration,
const char *  strNameOfValue 

Get the property converted to the VALUETYPE.

Template Parameters
VALUETYPEThe type of the property
oConfigurationThe configuration to look at
strNameOfValueThe name of the property

Definition at line 292 of file configuration.h.

◆ get_property() [2/4]

VALUETYPE adtf::base::ant::get_property ( const IConfiguration oConfiguration,
const char *  strNameOfValue,
VALUETYPE  oDefaultValue 

Get the property content converted to the VALUETYPE.

Template Parameters
VALUETYPEThe type of the property
oConfigurationThe configuratiion to look at
strNameOfValueThe name of the property
oDefaultValueThe default value if not found

Definition at line 271 of file configuration.h.

References IConfiguration::GetProperties(), and IS_OK.

◆ get_property() [3/4]

VALUETYPE adtf::base::ant::get_property ( const IProperties oProperties,
const char *  strNameOfValue 

Gets a property value of the value type VALUETYPE from a IProperties implementation.

Make sure the property<VALUETYPE> implementation exists, see also property_type_definition.

Template Parameters
VALUETYPE[in] value type of the value to return
oProperties[in] property store where to get the property from.
strNameOfValue[in] The Name of the property
Returns the value as VALUETYPE

Definition at line 113 of file property_helper.h.

◆ get_property() [4/4]

T adtf::base::ant::get_property ( const IProperties oProperties,
const char *  strNameOfValue,
const T &  oDefaultValue 

Gets a property value of the value type VALUETYPE from a IProperties implementation.

Make sure the property<VALUETYPE> implementation exists, see also property_type_definition.

Template Parameters
VALUETYPE[in] value type of the value to return
oProperties[in] property store where to get the property from.
strNameOfValue[in] The Name of the property
oDefaultValue[in] default value of return value if property is not found.
Returns the value as VALUETYPE

Definition at line 85 of file property_helper.h.


◆ operator!=() [1/2]

bool adtf::base::ant::operator!= ( const IProperties oPropertiesLeft,
const IProperties oPropertiesRight 

The not-equality operator returns false only if the given oPropertiesLeft has the same properties and property values as oPropertiesRight.

Therefore property values, names and sub properties are compared. The property type is exactly compared for standard property types. User defined properties are compared as strings. This works in both ways.

oPropertiesLeftThe left property set for comparison
oPropertiesRightThe property set to compare with
Return values
trueproperties and the corresponding values are not equal
falseproperties and the corresponding values are equal

◆ operator!=() [2/2]

bool adtf::base::ant::operator!= ( const IProperty oPropertyLeft,
const IProperty oPropertyRight 

The not-equality operator returns false only if the given oPropertyLeft is exact the same as oPropertyRight.

It checks the property types and raw values for equality. Standard property types are compared by their types, user defined properties as strings. This works in both ways.

oPropertyLeftThe left property for comparison
oPropertyRightThe property to compare with
Return values
trueproperty value and the corresponding property type are not equal
falseproperty value and the corresponding property type are equal

◆ operator==() [1/2]

bool adtf::base::ant::operator== ( const IProperties oPropertiesLeft,
const IProperties oPropertiesRight 

The equality operator returns true only if the given oPropertiesLeft has the same properties and property values as oPropertiesRight.

Therefore property values, names and sub properties are compared. The property type is exactly compared for standard property types. User defined properties are compared as strings. This works in both ways.

oPropertiesLeftThe left property set for comparison
oPropertiesRightThe property set to compare with
Return values
trueproperties and the corresponding values are equal
falseproperties and the corresponding values are not equal

◆ operator==() [2/2]

bool adtf::base::ant::operator== ( const IProperty oPropertyLeft,
const IProperty oPropertyRight 

The equality operator returns true only if the given oPropertyLeft is the same as oPropertyRight.

It checks the property (sub properties included) values and names for equality. Standard property types are compared by their types, user defined properties as strings. This works in both ways.

oPropertyLeftThe left property for comparison
oPropertyRightThe property to compare with
Return values
trueproperty value and the corresponding property type are equal
falseproperty value and the corresponding property type are not equal

◆ set_hash_value()

tResult adtf::base::ant::set_hash_value ( IHashValueMap oMap,
const IHashValueMap::tHashKey oHash,
const adtf::util::cVariant  oValue 

Sets a variant value for the hash key oHash into the hashed value map oMap.

[in]oMapThe map to set the value to.
[in]oHashThe hash key of the value.
[in]oValuevalue to set.
standard error code
Return values
ERR_NOERRORvalue is set
ERR_INVALID_TYPEType is not supported. See IHashValueMapValue::tType

◆ set_property() [1/4]

tResult adtf::base::ant::set_property ( IConfiguration oConfiguration,
const char *  strNameOfValue,
const char *  poValue 

Set the property of type string for a const char* parameter poValue.

oConfigurationThe configuration to set at
strNameOfValueThe name of the property
oValueThe value of the property

Definition at line 322 of file configuration.h.

References IConfiguration::GetProperties(), and RETURN_IF_FAILED.

◆ set_property() [2/4]

tResult adtf::base::ant::set_property ( IConfiguration oConfiguration,
const char *  strNameOfValue,

Set the property.

Template Parameters
VALUETYPEThe type of the property to set
oConfigurationThe configuration to set at
strNameOfValueThe name of the property
oValueThe value of the property

Definition at line 307 of file configuration.h.

References IConfiguration::GetProperties(), and RETURN_IF_FAILED.

Referenced by cConfigurationHelper< Child >::SetPropertyBool(), cConfigurationHelper< Child >::SetPropertyFloat(), cConfigurationHelper< Child >::SetPropertyInt(), and cConfigurationHelper< Child >::SetPropertyStr().

◆ set_property() [3/4]

tResult adtf::base::ant::set_property ( IProperties oProperties,
const char *  strNameOfValue,
const char *  poValue 

Sets a property of the value type const char* to a IProperties implementation.

This function specialization will be used to set const char* values as adtf::util::cString value.

[in]oPropertiesproperty store where to set the property to.
[in]strNameOfValuethe name of the property
[in]poValueconst tCHar* value
Return values
ERR_NOERRORProperty is set.
ERR_NOT_IMPLProperty can not be set.

Definition at line 67 of file property_helper.h.

◆ set_property() [4/4]

tResult adtf::base::ant::set_property ( IProperties oProperties,
const char *  strNameOfValue,

Sets a property of the value type VALUETYPE to a IProperties implementation.

Make sure the property<VALUETYPE> implementation exists, see also property_type_definition.

Template Parameters
VALUETYPE[in] value type of value oValue
[in]oPropertiesproperty store where to set the property to.
[in]strNameOfValuethe name of the property
[in]oValuevalue of type VALUETYPE
Return values
ERR_NOERRORProperty is set.
ERR_NOT_IMPLProperty can not be set.

Definition at line 50 of file property_helper.h.