ADTF  3.18.4
string.h File Reference

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH. More...

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class  string_base< storageT >
 String Class. More...
struct  string_base_compare_func< sT, sT2 >
 Compare function for stl container e.g. More...
struct  string_base_no_case_compare_func< sT, sT2 >
 Compare function for stl container e.g. More...


 ADTF A_UTIL Namespace - Within adtf this is used as adtf::util or adtf_util.


 Default stack string size.


typedef stack_string_base< A_UTILS_DEFAULT_SIZE_OF_STRING, growinheap_out_of_range > cStackString
 cStackString implementation for a stack string which works on stack if string is lower than A_UTILS_DEFAULT_SIZE_OF_STRING byte. More...
typedef string_base< cStackString > cString
 cString implementation for a stack string which works on stack if string is lower than A_UTILS_DEFAULT_SIZE_OF_STRING byte. More...
typedef string_base_compare_func< cStackString, cStackString > cStringCompareFunc
 Compare functor for the cStackString. More...
typedef string_base_no_case_compare_func< cStackString, cStackString > cStringNoCaseCompareFunc
 Compare functor for the cStackString. More...


template<class sT >
tBool operator== (const tChar *str1, const string_base< sT > &str2)
 String compare if equal. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator!= (const tChar *str1, const string_base< sT > &str2)
 String compare if not equal. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator< (const tChar *str1, const string_base< sT > &str2)
 String compare if less than. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator> (const tChar *str1, const string_base< sT > &str2)
 String compare if greater than. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator<= (const tChar *str1, const string_base< sT > &str2)
 String compare if less or equal than. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator>= (const tChar *str1, const string_base< sT > &str2)
 String compare if greater or equal than. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator== (const std::string &str1, const string_base< sT > &str2)
 String compare if equal. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator!= (const std::string &str1, const string_base< sT > &str2)
 String compare if not equal. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator< (const std::string &str1, const string_base< sT > &str2)
 String compare if less than. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator> (const std::string &str1, const string_base< sT > &str2)
 String compare if greater than. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator<= (const std::string &str1, const string_base< sT > &str2)
 String compare if less or equal than. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator>= (const std::string &str1, const string_base< sT > &str2)
 String compare if greater or equal than. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator== (const string_base< sT > &str1, const std::string &str2)
 String compare if equal. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator!= (const string_base< sT > &str1, const std::string &str2)
 String compare if not equal. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator< (const string_base< sT > &str1, const std::string &str2)
 String compare if less than. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator> (const string_base< sT > &str1, const std::string &str2)
 String compare if greater than. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator<= (const string_base< sT > &str1, const std::string &str2)
 String compare if less or equal than. More...
template<class sT >
tBool operator>= (const string_base< sT > &str1, const std::string &str2)
 String compare if greater or equal than. More...
template<class sT , class sT2 >
string_base< sT > operator+ (const string_base< sT > &str1, const string_base< sT2 > &str2)
 Join two strings. More...
template<class sT >
string_base< sT > operator+ (const tChar *str1, const string_base< sT > &str2)
 Join two strings. More...
template<class sT >
string_base< sT > operator+ (const string_base< sT > &str1, const tChar *str2)
 Join two strings. More...

Detailed Description

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.

All rights reserved

Definition in file string.h.