ADTF  3.18.3
triggered_filter.h File Reference

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH. More...

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class  triggered_filter< TriggerFunctionImpl >
 Simple Filter for Registering One Triggerfunction to a filter. More...
class  cFilterWithTriggerFunction
class  filter_with_trigger_function< TriggerFunctionImpl >
 Simple Filter for Registering One Triggerfunction to a filter. More...
class  filter_with_trigger_function< TriggerFunctionImpl, FilterClass >
class  cFilterWithTriggerFunction


 Namespace for entire ADTF SDK.
 Namespace for the ADTF Filter SDK.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Filter SDK provided since v3.0.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Filter SDK provided since v3.3.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Filter SDK provided since v3.5.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Filter SDK provided since v3.7.


#define ADTF_TRIGGER_FUNCTION_FILTER(_class_identifier_, _class_name_, _triggerfilterclass_, _triggerfunction_, _trigger_configurator_, ...)
 Macro to generate a filter body for a filter with a trigger function. More...
#define ADTF_TRIGGER_FUNCTION_FILTER_PLUGIN(_class_identifier_, _class_name_, _triggerfunction_, _trigger_configurator_, ...)
 This macro defines a filter with a given trigger function and exposes it via a plugin class factory. More...


template<typename TriggerFunctionImpl , typename FilterClass = cFilterWithTriggerFunction>
using filter_with_trigger_function = flash::filter_with_trigger_function< TriggerFunctionImpl, cFilterWithTriggerFunction >

Detailed Description

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.

All rights reserved

Definition in file triggered_filter.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ADTF_TRIGGER_FUNCTION_FILTER (   _class_identifier_,
class _triggerfilterclass_ : public adtf::filter::filter_with_trigger_function<_triggerfunction_> \
{ \
ADTF_CLASS_ID_NAME(_triggerfilterclass_, _class_identifier_, _class_name_); \
public: \

Macro to generate a filter body for a filter with a trigger function.

This macro uses the adtf::filter::devil::filter_with_trigger_function template.

[in]_class_identifier_class identifier to set a id for the class factory: i.e. "example.mydatafilter.adtf"
[in]_class_name_class name i.e. to describe the filter "My Data Filter Example"
[in]_triggerfilterclass_class/decltype of the filter to create
[in]_triggerfunction_class/decpltype for the trigger function.
[in]_trigger_configurator_the trigger configuration function.
[in]...additional class member definitions, see ADTF_CLASS_DEPENDENCIES.

Definition at line 294 of file triggered_filter.h.


#define ADTF_TRIGGER_FUNCTION_FILTER_PLUGIN (   _class_identifier_,
ADTF_PLUGIN(_class_name_ " Plugin",\
#define ADTF_TRIGGER_FUNCTION_FILTER(_class_identifier_, _class_name_, _triggerfilterclass_, _triggerfunction_, _trigger_configurator_,...)
Macro to generate a filter body for a filter with a trigger function.

This macro defines a filter with a given trigger function and exposes it via a plugin class factory.

[in]_class_identifier_class identifier to set a id for the class factory: i.e. "example.mydatafilter.adtf"
[in]_class_name_class name i.e. to describe the filter "My Data Filter Example"
[in]_triggerfunction_class/decpltype for the trigger function.
[in]_trigger_configurator_the trigger configuration function.

Definition at line 319 of file triggered_filter.h.