



Support Request #8345


EBPRODUCTSUPPORT-4751 Qt issues in different setups nad Signal View problem

Added by hidden almost 5 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Requester's Priority:
Support Level:
2nd Level
Known Problem
Windows 7 64bit
FAQ Links:



Wir haben das ein paar Fragen/Vorschläge zu den zukünftigen Releases von unserem ADTF Trainer:

"Q1: Is the ADTF 3 Support Toolbox (3.1.0) still supported by ADTF 3.6.1, ADTF 3.5?

Q2: The display toolbox 3.3 has been linked with Qt 5.9.7 but is intended for use with ADTF 3.4 or 3.5 that had been linked with Qt 5.9.0. So it is officially supported to link ADTF filters/service with newer versions of Qt?
For Q2 I found a partial answer: I get a lot of crashes depending on Qt with a simple playback project (with the example_file.adtfdat) and Signal View from Display Toolbox 3.3
The crashes seem to disappear when I update the folder "D:\ADTF\3.5.0\3rdparty\qt5" to Qt 5.9.7
So Qt seems not to possess binary forward compatibility but only binary backward compatibility.
Ergo: The Display Toolbox 3.3. is not usable with the plain ADTF 3.5 installation.

My improvement suggestion would be to improve the release process so that there are regular stages with releases of ADTF and toolboxes fitting together.
Q3: When is the release of display toolbox 3.4 to be expected?


"Q1: Is the ADTF 3 Support Toolbox (3.1.0) still supported by ADTF 3.6.1, ADTF 3.5?


Q2: The display toolbox 3.3 has been linked with Qt 5.9.7 but is intended for use with ADTF 3.4 or 3.5 that had been linked with Qt 5.9.0. So it is officially supported to link ADTF filters/service with newer versions of Qt?
For Q2 I found a partial answer: I get a lot of crashes depending on Qt with a simple playback project (with the example_file.adtfdat) and Signal View from Display Toolbox 3.3
The crashes seem to disappear when I update the folder "D:\ADTF\3.5.0\3rdparty\qt5" to Qt 5.9.7
So Qt seems not to possess binary forward compatibility but only binary backward compatibility.
Ergo: The Display Toolbox 3.3. is not usable with the plain ADTF 3.5 installation.

ADTF is binary compatible as long as its dependencies are. This is not new, this has been the same in 2.x universe.
There are some issues with different QT versions that will work, some may not. We recommend to use the toolboxes with the released core version.

But I don't know what's going wrong on your side.
ADTF 3.4, ADTF 3.5 and Display TB 3.3 use all Qt 5.9.7.

My improvement suggestion would be to improve the release process so that there are regular stages with releases of ADTF and toolboxes fitting together.

yes, this is the way we want to improbve the process

Q3: When is the release of display toolbox 3.4 to be expected?

It has been this week, see

Then some improvement suggestion for the Signal View: The selected signals get automatically unselected when playback finishes. Could this improved so that the selected signals stay selected also for the next replay?"

Known Problem -> ADISTB-837

Das sollte unbedingt in die Release-Info der ADTF version.

Das gibt es mittlerweile seit ADTF 3.6.0, siehe External Dependencies
Und so steht es auch seitdem immer in Release Notes.

Für die Versionen davor wäre der Workaround direkt im Paket zu schauen, also .\3rdparty\qt5\lib\cmake\Qt5\Qt5ConfigVersion.cmake
Dafür können und werden wir nichts patchen.

Vielleicht waren die Abstürze insgesamt auch Zufall. Ist leider ein etwas instabiles tool

Yep, ich würde auch kein ADTF >= 3.5.0 (wegen Filter API; aber am besten gleich ADTF >= 3.6.x wegen UX) empfehlen, auch was Qt Version & Support betrifft.

Könnt Ihr nochmal nach dem Cmake issue schauen? Wo kommt der Output her? Kann das gefixt werden?

Der Output kommt genau aus diesem File -> .\pkg\adtfui\ADTFQTMacros.cmake
Hier passt die Abfrage nicht, das wurde mittlerweile gefixt in ADTF 3.6.0, für ältere Versionen müsste das manuell angepasst werden.


image001.png (9.63 KB) image001.png hidden, 2019-09-18 12:45

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