


ADTF Display Toolbox 3.5.0 is now available

Added by hidden about 4 years ago


Package - ADTF_DisplayToolbox/3.5.0@dw/stable

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  • Support for ADTF 3.7.0
  • Enhance Canvas/drawer API with OnCreateContext / OnDestroyContext
  • Make use of flash::cFilter from ADTF Filter SDK within mixin and drawer base class
  • Improve performance, layouting and stability of Signal View UI Services
  • Several improvements, stability and bugfixes, please refer to ADTF Display Toolbox 3.5.0 Change Log


  • [ADISTB-1041] - Enhance Canvas/Drawer API with OnCreateContext / OnDestroyContext
  • [ADISTB-1043] - Make use of flash::cFilter within Mixin and Drawer base class


  • [ADISTB-798] - 2D-Display shows text upside down
  • [ADISTB-837] - Scope View does not save signal status
  • [ADISTB-848] - Signals provided by MediaDescription Service are unchecked when going to RL5
  • [ADISTB-859] - Signal View is unusable within the qt XSystem
  • [ADISTB-905] - Visibility of mixins is not correctly applied
  • [ADISTB-930] - Visibility of example 3D ADTF Object Mixin cannot be changed
  • [ADISTB-934] - The Menu in the Signal Scope View is not displayed
  • [ADISTB-935] - Example project references only one graph file
  • [ADISTB-992] - Missing required Signal Registry dependency in Plugin Descriptions
  • [ADISTB-993] - Selecting Camera View in Video Mixin does not work
  • [ADISTB-995] - Lock Rotation has no effect
  • [ADISTB-996] - GCL Input of video view mixin not working
  • [ADISTB-998] - OSG Logging is not forwarding messages to ADTF
  • [ADISTB-1003] - Pressing "Del" does not delete signals from Signal Table View
  • [ADISTB-1034] - cImage::Save() image written to file does not represent image in display
  • [ADISTB-1036] - Wrong default runlevel for signal view services
  • [ADISTB-1040] - Inspect and fix performance drop with a large number of signals within the signal view
  • [ADISTB-1042] - Signal Tree View updates in non-GUI thread
  • [ADISTB-1075] - Repair examples and demo sessions and bring toolbox to ADTF 3.7.0

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