



Community Center: ADTF3 Guides are now available

Added by hidden about 6 years ago

In addition to our ADTF Documentation we want to extend your knowledge with our ADTF3 Guides.
This should help you not only for your first steps with ADTF 3, also to adapt and find solutions for your use case and porting your components from ADTF 2.x to ADTF 3.x, too.

Please keep in mind this is not complete yet but will be adapted and extended as often as possible.
Feel free to give us feedback to improve this guide.

Did you know ? (also accessable from our Download Center and Starting Page):

Community Center: ADTF File Library 0.2.0 BETA is now available

Added by hidden about 6 years ago


Online Documentation



  • Base Version for ADTF 3.3.0
  • depends on a_util 5.1.0
  • depends on ddl 4.0.1


  • DDL Support
  • Plugin Support for Serialization
  • Support for external Sample Class Factory


  • [CDIFHD-2] - Create basic plugin support
  • [CDIFHD-5] - [Sample, SampleFactories, SampleSerializer] Handle Sample Info
  • [CDIFHD-6] - [Sample Factories] Enable the use of an external Sample class factory
  • [CDIFHD-7] - Adapt to utils changes
  • [CDIFHD-8] - Incorporate DDL handling
  • [CDIFHD-12] - Conanisierung von IFHD Lib
  • [CDIFHD-13] - Add ADPL License Info to all artefact (Header, CPPs)


  • [CDIFHD-4] - [Writer] Race condition between GetExtensionStream and Cache Writer
  • [CDIFHD-10] - [AdtfCoreMediaTypeVideoDeserializer] Segfault in format conversion
  • [CDIFHD-14] - Exception if stream cannot be loaded - ADTFS-48313
  • [CDIFHD-16] - Build fails with gcc 5.4

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: ADTF Display Toolbox 3.1.0 is now available

Added by hidden about 6 years ago


Online Documentation


  • Works with new ADTF 3.3.0
  • We still have the Known Problem ADISTB-833 - [Installer] (Linux Only) Toolbox can not be installed in the addons directory using option the "Install into the ADTF addons directory"
    • A workaround is possible using the installation-option "install into a separate directory" and then choosing the 'addons' directory of ADTF
  • We change and harmonize the class ids (ADISTB-838), this means that each setup you have made before this delivery (cpp, adtfgraph, adtfsystem, ...) is now probably out of date
    • To assist you and automatic adapt your files you can use our small tool update class ids
    • It contains also a patch for the change from adtf2 support service to adtf file support service
    • For more information about the usage start the tool in a command line without any argument or with -help (or -h)
    • An overview of all changed class ids can be found in our FAQ's (Q: Which class ids (CID) are changed in ADTF Display Toolbox 3.1.0 ?)


  • [ADISTB-784] - [QT Display] Redesign of QT Display [REJECTED]
  • [ADISTB-838] - Harmonize class ids and component display names


  • [ADISTB-841] - [Scope View] Scope View does not work correctly in combination with MediaDescription Service
  • [ADISTB-847] - [Scope View] Crash when going RL5 - RL1 - RL5

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: ADTF 3.3.0 is now available

Added by hidden about 6 years ago


Online Documentation


  • Thank you very much for each single feedback regarding our ADTF 3.3.0 BETA delivery !
  • We change and harmonize the class ids (ACORE-9203), this means that each setup you have made before this delivery (cpp, adtfgraph, adtfsystem, ...) is now probably out of date
    • To assist you and automatic adapt your files you can use our small tool update class ids
    • It contains also a patch for the change from adtf2 support service to adtf file support service
    • For more information about the usage start the tool in a command line without any argument or with -help (or -h)
    • An overview of all changed class ids can be found in our FAQ's (Q: Which class ids (CID) are changed in ADTF 3.3.0 ?)
  • The rpc logging service has been removed and is now fix part of the default core objects
  • We change our whole build environment to Modern CMake (ACORE-9365), so in some cases you have to adapt your CMakelists.txt files
  • The former toolboxes can not be loaded anymore due to a certificate update to longterm license support (ACORE-9220)
    • Please be patent for the updated deliveries regarding Device Toolbox (3.0.0) and Display Toolbox (3.1.0)
    • The ADTF 3 Support Toolbox 3.0.0 can be used but the example session must be updated due to the class ids (3.0.1 will fix this issue)


  • More Usability
  • Record Dialog within ADTF GUI Control
  • Headless ADTFDAT Processing (former known as DAT Exporter)
  • Profiling Support
  • ADTF System Monitor (former known as Kernel Information View, Resource View)
  • Merge and Post Build Support for Plugin Descriptions
  • Headless Header to/from DDL converter
  • Example for communication to/from Non ADTF system
  • Default template for new projects
  • Separate Java Script and Qt Quick Filter (BETA)


  • [ACORE-8186] - [ADTF GUI File Editor] reintegrate Record Dialog into ADTF GUI Control
  • [ACORE-7603] - [adtf],[cADTFFile],[adtf_file Package]: Definition of ADTF File Package
  • [ACORE-8065] - [triggered_filter], [data_triggered_filter], [cFilter] Refactoring for more usability
  • [ACORE-8121] - [CE Property Browser] Combobox for the PropertyBrowser
  • [ACORE-8172] - [ADTF DAT Tool] Porting headless DAT Exporter as separate ADTF DAT Tool within ADTF 3
  • [ACORE-8193] - [Harddisk Player], [ADTF Control] Reintegrate DAT File PlayList
  • [ACORE-8198] - [Profiling GUI] Reintegrate Profiling Functionality
  • [ACORE-8199] - [Systemmonitor] Reintegrate Resource View
  • [ACORE-8201] - [Systemmonitor] Reintegrate Kernel Information View to ADTF 3
  • [ACORE-8282] - [RPC] dynamic client support - Testautomatisierung
  • [ACORE-8372] - [Plugin Description Generator] Merge for Plugin Descriptions
  • [ACORE-8394] - [CE System Editor] Service Dialog must show label name of Services [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-8426] - [Project View][ADTF GUI control][ADTF Control] Define ADTF DAT File handling within Project View [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-8525] - [DDL Generation] Provide a command line tool to generate DDL out of c-struct and vice versa
  • [ACORE-8678] - [cResult] Dynamic memory allocation of detailed error description must be disengageable during compile time AND cResult must be RTSafe while using only error code
  • [ACORE-8739] - [Player GUI, CE] Tool to create File PlayLists [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-8825] - [GUI Control] Improve usability [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-8868] - [Example] Add an example that demonstrates sending/receiving of streaming data to/from external applications
  • [ACORE-8955] - [Launcher] Provide Logging/Error Handling if a connection to launcher is impossible i.e. if port is in use [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-8957] - [ADTF DAT Tool] Porting CSV Exporter as example
  • [ACORE-8991] - [COMMON] Delivery of 3.x must have ADTF Layout
  • [ACORE-9043] - [Filter SDK] Test and Example for adtf::filter::cDynamicFilter
  • [ACORE-9107] - [CE] Creation of default elements
  • [ACORE-9141] - [CE, ADTF Launcher] Making 3rdparty libraries available with less configuration effort [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-9203] - Harmonize class ids and component display names
  • [ACORE-9220] - [License] Update the certificate
  • [ACORE-9222] - [CE] Reactivate QML Remote Debugging
  • [ACORE-9225] - [Java Script Filter] Split the JavaScriptFilter into a GUI supported version and a blank javascript version
  • [ACORE-9280] - [CE] Add Rename option for graph, session and system files
  • [ACORE-9347] - [BUILDENV] verify compiler version
  • [ACORE-9365] - [CMake] Modern CMake
  • [ACORE-9367] - Deploy VC runtime DLLs to ADTFs 'bin'-folder [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-9378] - [Installer] change default install directory on Windows to c:/adtf/3.x.x
  • [ACORE-9394] - [ucom::object] Extend compatibility with newer VC compilers
  • [ACORE-9398] - [Examples] Delivery of clean example code


  • [ACORE-8818] - [ADTF GUI Control] Recorder Control does not reset on shutdown
  • [ACORE-8826] - [GUI Control, Player Control] Player Control doesn't reset on missing player
  • [ACORE-8849] - [CE] Getting unexpected dialog "Unsaved changes detected" [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-8867] - [CE] Crash when try to change the property "title" of a service for a second time
  • [ACORE-9076] - [CE] Adding libraries to platform does not use macro ADTF_DIR
  • [ACORE-9143] - [CMake] Missing -Bsymbolic linker flags for adtf plugins
  • [ACORE-9145] - [CE] Sub-Properties are not displayed under a certain condition
  • [ACORE-9155] - [ADTF GUI Control] GUI Control crashes when shutting down demo_recording
  • [ACORE-9178] - [Documentation] ::bat and ::catwo interface is missing
  • [ACORE-9191] - [ADTF DDL] Not correct initialized ddlversion struct
  • [ACORE-9217] - Typo in classname: cExternelQueueSampleReader
  • [ACORE-9221] - [DOC] Missing CMakeLists.txt code listing in testing example documentation [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-9226] - [CMake] adtf_install_plugin can copy plugindescriptions only to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${DIRECTORY} [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-9240] - [ACORE] Unresolved external symbol for alloc_sample
  • [ACORE-9251] - [PKG_DDL] tChar is not supported.
  • [ACORE-9257] - [Plugin Description Generator] failure generating filter before 3.2.0. Missing nullptr-check
  • [ACORE-9261] - [CE] The Validation Protocol view shows meaningless errors [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-9262] - [ADTF Control] 'Quit' command won't quit but hangs instead [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-9273] - Do not deploy debug plugindescription in release build in ADTF examples (ADTFS-48135) [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-9278] - [CE] Open a session leads to save change dialog even it dosn't load a graph or system
  • [ACORE-9279] - 'tagged_ptr' is referenced by its old name 'cTaggedPtr' leading to compilation errors [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-9281] - The ADTF Launcher fails to load sessions which depend on Qt [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-9334] - Connections to Interface Bindings of Sample Streaming Sinks are not created
  • [ACORE-9339] - [Plugin Description] delivered plugin descriptions do not match to adtfplugins
  • [ACORE-9344] - object_ptr: remove invalid cast operator to non const iobject_ptr<const T>&
  • [ACORE-9350] - [ADTF Launcher] Access violation when closing the xSystem's main window [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-9355] - [Player] Player does not adhere to read ahead queue length
  • [ACORE-9359] - [Datdump] failed extractextension on windows and missing documentation
  • [ACORE-9360] - [Demo Legacy Data Filter] OnSampleReceived will not be called [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-9363] - [CMake] Building fails on Systems where VS2017 has been installed in addtion to VS2015
  • [ACORE-9372] - [Signal Registry] Signal Registry is loaded at wrong Runlevel [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-9384] - Fix Squish-Test from Release 3.3.0 Beta
  • [ACORE-9385] - Fix Functional-Test from Release 3.3.0 Beta
  • [ACORE-9387] - [CE] Missing active session marker
  • [ACORE-9389] - [Installer] Bitdefener shows warning when executing installer [REJECTED]
  • [ACORE-9390] - [CE] Missing "You have unsaved changes" dialog
  • [ACORE-9400] - [GUI Control] Slider of Player does not work
  • [ACORE-9418] - [Documentation] The documentation for Trigger Function is incomplete
  • [ACORE-9419] - [DirectShow Example] No valid video for Qts QImage [NUR EINCHECKEN]
  • [ACORE-9426] - Errors when compiling UCOM compile time tests [REJECTED]

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: ADTF 3.3.0 Beta1 is now available

Added by hidden over 6 years ago



  • Change ACORE-8198 [Profiling GUI] Reintegrate Profiling Functionality
  • Change ACORE-8199 [Resource View] Reintegrate Resource View
  • Change ACORE-8193 [Harddisk Player], [ADTF Control] Reintegrate DAT File PlayList
  • Change ACORE-8372 [Plugin Description Generator] Merge for Plugin Descriptions
  • Change ACORE-8678 [cResult] Dynamic memory allocation of detailed error description must be disengageable during compile time AND cResult must be RTSafe while using only error code
  • Change ACORE-9280 [CE] Add Rename option for graph, session and system files
  • Change ACORE-9107 [CE] Creation of default elements
  • Change ACORE-8121 [CE Property Browser] Combobox for the PropertyBrowser
  • Change ACORE-8065 [triggered_filter], [data_triggered_filter], [cFilter] Refactoring for more usability


  • Bug ACORE-9344 [UCom] object_ptr: remove invalid cast operator to non const iobject_ptr<const T>&
  • Bug ACORE-9155 [ADTF GUI Control] GUI Control crashes when shutting down demo_recording
  • Bug ACORE-9143 [CMake] Missing -Bsymbolic linker flags for adtf plugins
  • Bug ACORE-8818 [ADTF GUI Control] Recorder Control does not reset on shutdown
  • Bug ACORE-9334 [CE, Streaminggraph] Connections to Interface Bindings of Sample Streaming Sinks are not created
  • Bug ACORE-8826 [GUI Control, Player Control] Player Control doesn't reset on missing player

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: ADTF 2.14.1 is now available

Added by hidden over 6 years ago


Now support for Ubuntu 14.04


  • Change ACORE-8635 [ADTFUserManual] Remove 32bit support in Operating system entry
  • Change ACORE-8863 [Build] Update Linux to Ubuntu 14.04
  • Change ACORE-9094 [Documentation] Update entry for Demo_Media_Description_Display


  • Bug ACORE-9068 [Harddisk Recorder] Wrong split of DAT file in case of sending key event (IEvent::EC_StartRecording) with focused workspace window
  • Bug ACORE-8480 [License Manager] crashes if devices with non UTF-8 characters (e.g. japanese) where found - ADTFS-44981
  • Bug ACORE-8528 [Launcher, ApplicationService] ADTF Launcher crashes when changing to runlevel below System
  • Bug ACORE-8710 [Session Service] ADTF shuts down immediately in case of speed factor is set
  • Bug ACORE-9007 [Datexporter Command Line Tool] crashes when importing streams from DAT File with EDS extension
  • Bug ACORE-8436 [Configuration Editor] Log entry for each outport connection will be generated
  • Bug ACORE-8467 [Multi File Selection Dialog] Adds *.* on the end of the filename
  • Bug ACORE-8530 [Demo GPS File Exporter Example] GPS Example DAT File is not compatible to current Streaming Library - ADTFS-45714
  • Bug ACORE-9061 [CSV Sample Sink] Unable to resolve structured elements from enum type inside an array

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: ADTF 3.2.1 is now available

Added by hidden over 6 years ago



  • Bug ACORE-9233 [ADTF System] rejects plugins with minor version smaller than own minor version
  • Bug ACORE-9239 [CE Validation] Invalid connections are not highlighted red
  • Bug ACORE-9211 [Plugin Description Generator Streaming SDK] Nullpointer exception during stream type access
  • Bug ACORE-9186 [CE StreamingGraph] ADTF crashes when sample streams have the same name
  • Bug ACORE-9137 [CE FilterGraph CE StreamingGraph] Some delete interactions lead to a validation report
  • Bug ACORE-9129 [CE] Strange behaviour in case of adding sample stream to graph with renamed sample stream
  • Bug ACORE-8847 [CE] Crash when deleting all plugin directories from settings
  • Bug ACORE-8790 [CE] Empty Plugins (Debug) list entry - autofill from configuration
  • Bug ACORE-9231 [ADTF GUI Control] Recoder - Recorder typo

Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

Your Digitalwerk Team

Community Center: Server migration finished

Added by hidden over 6 years ago

Dear ADTF community,

Our server migration is finished and all tests are passed.
Our service should now be back as usual.

If something does not work as expected or permissions are missing, please do not hesitate to contact our support.

Thank you for your patience !

Your Digitalwerk Support Team

Community Center: Server maintenance this friday (Dec 1st 2017)

Added by hidden over 6 years ago

Dear ADTF community,

We wan't to provide you our best support everyday.
Due to that fact sometimes administrative upgrades on our systems are necessary.

We kindly ask for your patience on upcoming friday Dec 1st 2017 when we will migrate our support servers.
During this time the support website will not be reachable.
We will try to finish this step until lunchtime (12:00am. CET).

This will only take effect on the work in redmine.
Our support hotline - Phone/Mail will still be reachable as promised in our service level agreements.

Thank you in advance !

Your Digitalwerk Support Team


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